While Henry and Trevor sat under the huge elm tree with Winston at their side, brave Amelia climbed high into the tree to retrieve thier kite. Tossed high on a breezy day, it had gotten stuck and couldn't be pulled down... When Trevor tried to pull the kite, it just became more stuck and a branch went right through it. Then his best friend Henry pulled and pulled until the string broke altogether. How happy they all were when Amelia Mae saved the day!
Great story (:
Amelia is the heroine of the day!
Very nice illustration. Like the storyline also...makes me long for spring.
Girls rule!!!
Cute story and illustration Ginger.
Your blog is looking sharp. I love the new look and colors!
Great illustration! Reminds me of myself when I was young---no fear. :)
Oooh, becareful! Love the details.
Oh, my I agree with Cheryl, what a wonderful blog, illustration and narration!
you always make me glad everytime i come visiting your blog. there's always something new, it is colorful and its almost like i am reading a children's book everytime. my nieces and nephews like your site a lot.
Well done. On topic, and a fresh perspective.
What a happy couple of kids in your illo!
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Ginger..the blog looks fantastic! I love the background and the illos..also the illo on the side with the books in it. Great job.
Great illustration, Ginger -- the perspective is great, and Amelia's pose is just right. And I always enjoy seeing Winston! :-)
how cute!love the details and the lovely story !
Ha! Sometimes it takes a girl to fix a messy situation:) great story and delightful illustration:) I love the look of your blog!
so cute! Nice illustration! : )
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