Friday, September 21, 2007

On the lighter side of juggling

On a lighter note and in a more gentle tone, the Princess juggling team practices each afternoon. There is the possibility that the mouse will have to be replaced eventually.


Eugenia Gina said...

oooo... ginger this is lovelyyy! I like this version, specially the stripes socks and kitty and mouse tooo...! 8)


both illos are great! but i like this one better because it includes nature and greenery.. so refreshing. :)

isay said...

fun! fun! fun! I like the cat a lot!

KarMa said...

Brightfull and funny :D


Willie Baronet said...

Ha! Yes, the cat has his eye on him. Very clever!


How light and carefree !! I recognize those stockings :) Poor little mouse.....

valerie walsh said...

i am charmed by this!!!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful Illustration! I just love the girls, the cat and that tiny little mouse is just adorable! Every princess whould juggle flowers and every cat should juggle mice. . .

studio lolo said...

I love the free feeling of whimsy here. Wheeeeeeeee!!!!
Wonderful :)

Amy C. Moreno said...

Delightful illustrations. I really like the lower illo...although they are both wonderful! Great humor and style

kdhamel said...

This made me laugh - poor mouse! I love how light and "springy" this is - wonderful colors and energy!

Tracy said...

Cute those stockings on the girls!