Monday, February 12, 2007

Monday surprises....

I received my first copies of the FLAX art and Design catlog today with my illustration on the cover. That was such a neat surprise. Next thing I knew, my new copy of the update to Painter had arrived...Painter X. I am really excited about trying out whats new and experimenting with all the wonderful brushes.
  • ©GingerNielson2006

    Anonymous said...

    Oh GINGER!!! I am grinning ear to ear just looking at it! It is truly wonderful! CONGRATULATIONS!!! YEAH!!!

    Amy C. Moreno said...

    YEAY!!!! THis is terrific. Celebrate.

    gail said...

    Looks great!!!!! Congratulations!


    Larry Lee said...

    Conrats on the cover. That is cool!

    Karen Lee said...

    How absolutely terrific! I love Flax and this cover is wonderful!


    Julia Kelly said...

    Yeah! Ginger- the layout is great! How cool! I haven't gotten mine from them yet! Need to check my P.O. Box! Too too cool!