Friday, January 26, 2007


It was always my favorite color.... but then there was that awful RED LETTER Day! I guess there's going to be a lot of homework from now on!
  • ©GingerPixels2007
  • And I think I might lose my cool!


    Anonymous said...

    Awe yes the never ending homework. We think once we get out of school and we have our "career," there will be no more studying/homework. . .hmm. . .I wonder where are those four art books I have been studying are?

    She is wonderful Ginger! Love the desk!

    Teri said...

    So cute with that apple. The red just stands out so neat.

    Teresa said...

    Great Illustration! She looks overworked.

    pati said...

    Ooops! I'm sorry to know that :(

    I guess I won't do it again to my pupils ;)

    studio lolo said...

    'F??' Not you Ginger! You get an 'A' for this one :)

    isay said...

    i like the movement in your illo. the apple is serving as an inspiration to study---and the books are well drawn.

    valerie walsh said...

    Haha this is just great! Love all the red touches except for the F! Love this Ginger and we both had school on the brain!

    Michelle Lana said...

    Very cute ginger!

    "Maggie & Kevin" said...

    Cute, cute Ginger and all the little pink sticky notes, that would be me, I am famous for them in my journals and daily work! Glad the only homework I have is my "ownwork." :)

    Julia Kelly said...

    I love it! Back to your days as a teacher I bet! You captured the scene so nicely!!

    trowbridge chronicles said...

    Takes me back to ninth grade algebra. That's one year that I would rather forget. Very nice illustration, Ginger.

    Twisselman said...

    The weight of her burden looks almost too much to bear. Not to worry... not the end of the world. Too bad there's so much pressure on kids these days.
    But enough of that... that's not what your illo's all about. Wonderful color palette and very nice texture in her sweater vest. And that desk looks just like the desk I had in the seventh grade... but without the carvings from thirty years of kids who sat in it before me.

    Larry Lee said...

    I think it is the necklace that conveys the action here. She must really be juggling those things.
    Fortunately, I didn't see too many 'F's during my time in school. Didn't give too many apples away either ;-)

    Karlishhh said...

    very creativeeeeee!!

    bobby casumbal said...

    hehe... cute piece! wonderful illustration!