Saturday, March 14, 2009



emilayusof said...

wow! that is so beautiful, ginger!

MrBibleHead said...

Wow! What an illustration! It is gorgeous. The vibrant colors and the 3D effect with the sea plants jumping out of the page....all I can say is WOW!


I love sea horses...just beautiful and magical Ginger:)

Sónia Cântara said...

So beautiful! Great composition and colours choice

valerie walsh said...

I love how you pumped up the colour ahd the layout is super-cool! Very beautiful :)

Anonymous said...

Oh Ginger, the color is off the hook amazing!

Gai said...

this is gorgeous I love the colour but also the way you have captured the movement in the water. beautiful.

Amy C. Moreno said...

What a delightful image! The swirls and colors are so cheerful and refreshing. It makes me wish I was there in the illo.

Caroline said...

Just beautiful! Love your style and use of colour!

Cheryl said...

It makes me want a turn on a seahorse! Great job.

studio lolo said...

Wooooooow!!! This is magical indeed! I adore the swirls in the water and the vibrant colors. Wonderful piece!

Our new exhibit at the Monterey Bay Aquarium is going to be seahorses ;)

Kathleen Rietz said...

Wonderful colors, and I always love the way you render water!

Roberta said...

Oh to be so carefree!!!
I really like the technique you used on the water and the crabs are adorable!