Saturday, August 14, 2010

COMING SOON ~ Flying Poodles, A Christmas Story

Over the past few months I have worked closely with an amazing author and entrepeneur.
Karen Morss is a true renaissance woman. She grows and markets her own Mayer lemons in her very own orchard, creates creative stained glass works of art, coloring books, is the "mom" to Lucy Ball her red haired poodle, several kitties and is a great story teller!

When Karen contacted me to illustrate her book,
"Flying Poodles, A Christmas Story, "I was honored and delighted to be chosen to illustrate this story and enjoyed the challenges it presented to an artist.

Just imagine an illustrator given an assignment that includes not only 8 reindeer but 8 adorable poodles as well.  Each dog with it's own personality will charm readers of all ages.  Beyond the delightful story is a message to us all.   Don't ever give up.... you are capable of more than you realize. Helping your friends in need has rewards that are priceless.

Karen's  Poodle Dog Productions website offers a pre-order for the book as well as the announcement for the iPad app.  The iPad will have quite a few extras for the audience that downloads the app.
For every book sold, Karen offers a donation to the Smile Train Changing the World one smile at a time. So while you are smiling at her fantastic story, others who need to smile will have a chance to do so as well.


NANCY LEFKO said... exciting !!

Anonymous said...

Looks incredible Ginger!!

Anonymous said...

I think A Christmas Story is a must watch every year and I still laugh!! I love, love, love The Polar Express!! Christmas hampers