As an illustrator there is always the question of whether or not you want to be represented by an agency. If you choose representation there are some important things to consider.
I believe that a good art agency representative can be beneficial to an illustrator, but I also believe that the illustrator has obligations to the agency and must be ready to make a commitment to honor his/her agency contract with a professional and accountable performace.
As in any group situation it helps to be a team player. In this case the team is the agent, the artist and the publisher/editor/designer.
Because I have chosen to be represented by an agency, there are certain obligations I have as an artist.
In addition to having a style of painting that I can call my own, I am willing to experiment and try new ways of interpreting the stories I am given to illustrate.

I am experienced with website creation and maintainence and keep my personal website up to date and refresh it frequently with new illustrations.
My work is professional and competitive with those of other children’s illustrators in the marketplace.
The work I do is appealing to adults and children and has received good reviews from editors, reviewers and the general public.
I have a number of published books to show for my continued dedication to this field.
My portfolio items, tearsheets, promo cards, business cards and flyers are easily duplicated and can be sent out just as easily.
In addition to that, I keep my portfolio current with my best work.
I actively seek critical review of my work.
I have placed a 1/2 page in the Picture Book annual for 2009. Belonging to an agency has the benefit of getting a discount on such advertising.

I create at least one promotional item for a mailing each quarter. These are postcards or flyers depending upon the type of market on which I am focusing.
In addition to my own website and blog I belong to four other online portfolio sites:
Children’s Illustrators, Picture Book, the Digital Artist and ARTSPACE 2000. Each of these charges a fee, which I consider a part of my professional obligation as an illustrator.
I am good with specs, follow directions, take suggestions and apply them to my work, accept criticism, and am always willing to accomodate the editor and art director with revisions.
I understand that although my agency can promote my work along with the others, it is up to me to provide the best art I can all the time.
And I am ready to do that.
If you are seeking an agent or ready to make the decision to have one are you ready to do this as well?