Saturday, September 27, 2008


With his cheeks packed for the journey to the mouse hole, Hector faced an unpleasant delay.


INDIGENE said...

This is so cute! Since I'm not a mouse fan, I'm rooting for the cat! lol! Great imagery and the fur texture is great!

Cathy said...

Aah! I love cats, but I love small furry rodents even more, so I'm with the mouse on this one. Will you let us know if he gets there safely?

Kris-Tea said...

Aaw.. Nice idea! :)

Roberta said...

Maybe he should offer a little cheese as an appetizer and sneek away!!! Really cute Ginger... and thanks for your kind comments when you visit!!

Ellen Byrne said...

How fast can he run with his cheeks packed like that! Very cute and beautifully painted!

Juan said...

A beautifulresponse to the topic Ginger!

Sylvia Jenstad said...

Wow ... love your colours...your work is great... really cool!!


wonderful! It seems mr.mice have something to cover and something to explain... :o)

studio lolo said...

Hopefully the cheese is real stinky and all he has to do to get away is to breathe on Mr. Kitty!!


Scooter said...

Nice illo- I like the tension you've created by how close they are, nice storytelling. Thanks for your comments:)

atomicvelvetsigh said...

ohh lol that was a surprise indeed! i used to breed hamsters and they are so funny putting all the food in their mouths and when they find a safe place un-pack everything there and burry it. ha! 8)

Bella Sinclair said...

Now that's a whoops moment. I say he use the cheese in his cheeks as ammo and pelt the cat for cover. Cute illo!

Michael G. O’Connell said...

nice illo… great take on the subject…

Cheryl said...

Danger, Will Robinson! Might want to duck back in there. Cool work, as usual.