From an interior spread for the book I just illustrated and now available from Stagger Lee Books "Song For A Giraffe"
It took almost a year to complete the illustrations for this book and this image is actually much larger as the giraffe and the text for this spread aren't included here. The research was one of the best parts of the whole experience. I learned so much!
©Ginger Nielson2007
PS... if you want to hear what the animals are singing, just go to my PROFILE section on this blog and play the Audio Clip.
That is such a sweet image of the giraffe looking adoringly at that teeny little bird!
CIao :D
This is really bright and color :D
I like it a lot :D
Such a sweet illustration! You always have a great piece!
Is it just me but i can't see the picture? I will be back Ginger.
this is fun and were they all singing together with the birds?
The picture didn't come up for me :( I'll have to come back later.
beautiful as always....so rich in color and emotion. A happy place for the animals...better than behind bars....
Beautiful work Ginger.
I can almost hear them singing 'Lion sleeps tonight'...!
Beautiful, and so full of joy! You really captured a wonderful moment in the jungle. I love the colors too and their happy faces.
BTW, your Portuguese is flawless! :-)
fantastic, happy illustration.. this is full of life and character
Beautiful. I love the way the animals seem to be laughing at a private joke.
Wonderful! You really captured a moment and feeling here Ginger!
Hee, I agree with everyone above, especially the person who heard them singing "The Lion Sleeps Tonight." That's exactly what I heard. Great work!
Actually, if you go to the profile section on this blog, the Audio clip is exactly that, "The Lion Sleeps tonight" I love that song!
Wonderful illustration. They look so adorable singing. You really captured the body language well. Also, I tagged you to write 5 random things about yourself. Hope you don't mind. Go to my blog to see what it means, incase you haven't seen this yet.
A chorus of animals! I love this.
Fantastic! Speak freely!
A smile immediately crept on my face. Such a sweet illustration!
Amazing detail and such character captured in the animals faces. Very beautiful.
Oh they are so cute...all singing. They look so happy too.
Ginger, Your work is always an inspiration. The details and expressions are delightful.
lovely work ginger!
Very cool, I love your color choices.
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