Sunday, October 28, 2007

Henry ~

Here's Henry!

After a long wait for the transport from Tennessee to New Hampshire, Henry has arrived and has already made himself at home.


Anette Heiberg said...

What a cutie!

Anette Heiberg
my etsy shop

Roberta said...

This is wonderful Ginger. I'm glad you found each other!

Deb Johnson said...

HE IS SOOOO ADORABLE!!! He looks just like my Baylie :) Congratulations to you and your new family!

Anonymous said...

WAHOOOOO!!!!! Henry's finally home!!! He is so cute Ginger!!! He looks so comfy on that red couch! Welcome home Henry! Your life is about to change Henry so hang on for the ride of your life! The best part of your life is about to start cause you new Mom is Ginger!

isay said...

hI Henry!

valerie walsh said...

what a cutie!

no longer here said...

How wonderfully kind you are to give such a good home environment to such a sweet dog. There seems to be a bit of sadness in his eyes…I’m sure he’ll soon learn his life will never be sad again. It's great that there are people who care enough to give such hope and opportunity to animals in need. We also have a dog that was a rescue….helping her was one of the best experiences we’ve ever had.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see Henry has such a good home. He was at my house for several weeks and he deserved a home of his own. Look forward to hearing more about his new life.