In the coming year I want to create an environment in my studio that resembles more order and less chaos...but only if it works for me.
In the coming year I want to concentrate on the colors I use and allow them to coexist in harmony...but only if it works for my art.
In the coming year I WILL workout more often. An illustrator's life can become a one way journey if you don't get up and dance once in a while!
In the coming year, I hope to: find an agent, find a publisher, find time for the books I want to write, find more new friends in this exciting field.
In the coming year I want to learn much more about: painting, drawing, illustration, portfolio priorities, queries, other illustrators, new techniques, and myself.
In the coming year I will accept new challenges, create with renewed energy, expand my horizons, attend conferences, go to lectures, and share my experiences in the form of school and library visits, and always remember to thank those who have helped me along the way.