Monday, June 15, 2009

The boy in the tree

I moved the boy from higher in the tree to bring him closer
to the foreground and give more impact to his mission.

The tree was like a ladder to the sky. Owen climbed until he could clearly see the length of the river below. From this point, high in the tree he spotted the rowboat. As it passed beneath him he knew he had only moments to sound the alarm.



I agree with your choice to move the boy closer...he has much more impact up close. And I love the view of the village below....great work :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Nancy! It really adds drama to have him closer and makes the perspective really work.

I had no idea this was going to be a night time scene. Love that idea too! Your paint fast Ginger. It would have taken me days to get all that painted. I want more!!

Ginger*:) said...

Hi Sherry... It did take days. I started painting before I put up the first sketch and have been painting for days...and I am still not happy with this one. But I am going on to the next as I view all of these as a learning process. Thanks so much for taking the time to have a look and make a comment.

Nancy, Thanks for agreeing with me that moving the boy closer makes a difference. The village needs work, but here again, I consider this a learning process.