Our church is producing a coloring book for families to enjoy together.
The purpose of the book is to raise funds for END 68 HOURS of HUNGER. That is the 68 hours from the time a child receives a free lunch on Friday until the time that child gets a free breakfast on Monday morning during the school year. Unfortunately too many children in America are in this category. Our book is designed with families in mind, and is not necessarily a religious book, but more of some of the life sharing events we experience.
Think about yard sales,toys and games, Sunday School lessons, a visit to the Heifer International Farm, lemonade on the lawn, and flowers on the front porch.
This fall we will begin selling our books at our church and online. Any book purchased directly from us will generate $10.00 to the program. Any book purchased online will generate royalties that will also go to the program. If anyone wants a book, once they are printed I will be happy to mail one to you and make sure the money goes directly to the program.
The line drawings range from easy to more complicated and all are family friendly. They are not the typical flowery, design oriented, mass produced images. They are images from our daily life, and from church life in general. There are pages that feature nature, children, adults, events and gatherings that families enjoy. There is a small section of very easy to color pages for young children based upon the Bible story of the 7 days of creation.
Our cover is an original watercolor painting by our resident-Artist, Pastor Bob Maronne. For that cover alone I would buy a book. In fact I plan to buy a number of these to send to friends and family.
Knowing that each book represents meals for a child who needs that nourishment makes it a very worthwhile purchase.

The books will arrive at our church in September. They will be sold with crayons and colored pencils included for the first 100 books sold.
If you want one of these first addition copies, email me and I will make sure you get your book and the children will benefit from your donation. My Contact:
The sales will begin in our church and the mailed out books are on a first come first served basis.