I can't really begin painting until the editor for this book signs off on the total set of sketches, but as I work through the text I like to add a bit of color as a reference for later painting. When I post all of these on my bulletin board I can get a good idea of the flow of the colors and direction the paintings are taking.
Seeing the whole book at once is helpful in many ways. I can check character consistency and balance of close up to more distant scenes. The text for this book is so great! I have so many ways to share the story in my illustrations. Because I belong to a wonderful church with many delightful souls, friends, and students I am able to draw on some of them for my characters. I will have to change things here and there, but for the most part, they will be slightly recognizable and I think the folks I am able to use as models will get a kick out of seeing themselves as part of a wonderfully imaginative story. Shhhhh... don't mention this, but I might even get the editor in there somewhere. Oh, and Henry of course.