Saturday, March 8, 2008



Digital Scott's Illustrationblog said...

Those kids! Great work!

Ellen Byrne said...

You've told a story here! Nicely done, as usual!

Cheryl said...

Watch out there! Such fun work.

Willie Baronet said...

Young whippersnappers!

Deb Johnson said...

Kids...are great! Love her expression and the colors you used! Awesome, Ginger!

no longer here said...

I like the lady's expression--it's perfect. You captured the feeling exactly....
I especially love the flowers. I guess because I'm desperatly longing for spring.


wonderful scene....I feel the same as Granny when my boys send a basketball flying into MY garden !!

Anonymous said...

Oh, those beautiful flowers. But I have a feeling Grandma will not have to worry, these kids are so skilled on skateboards, he'll make an amazing move and jump over the flowers!

Anonymous said...

Funny! I love the expression of horror on the lady's face... her flowers look so well cared for and perfect. The boy is just doing his fun boy stuff and is in his own world. I hope it all turns out well in the end!

Janice Ykema said...

Its a great capture of life.. Children are normally oblivious to the possibilities.... cause after all they have it all under control...