Friday, June 22, 2007


I have always been a painter. That way when Painter the program came along I was hooked. The use of the brushes and various stroke controls was and is amazing. BUT... when I upgraded to Painter X, I had a huge disappointment. Those fantastic REAL BRISTLE brushes were just so deadly S L O W. I tried all the tricks in my little bag of tricks to no avail. I upgraded my Wacom, downloaded the newest drivers, boosted the scratch disk, set all the extra space on my external hard drive. Still those marvelous brush strokes eluded my faster pace. UNTIL... after emailing Corel with no response I called in for another issue, and just on the spur of the moment they offered me tech support for any other issues. I found an answer to my problem, and maybe if you have been slowed down either by Painter X or by my problem ( a slower brain) this could help.

If you open PREFERENCES> GENERAL and uncheck BRUSH GHOSTING and ENHANCED BRUSH GHOSTING, the brushes in that category of REAL BRISTLE will behave! Yippee. This is extremely important when creating a painting on a larger canvas such as a two page spread for a large picture book. Some of those page spreads can be as wide as 24 inches and even under the best of circumstances can take days to paint.

If anyone else has had this problem, I hope this helps.


J. E. Morris said...

Thanks in advance Ginger, I haven't even taken the shrink wrap off Painter X yet. But I'll definitely keep this in mind. Like your giraffe by the way - very cute!

Cathy said...

This is just such a COOL illustration - worth all the messing about!

Kathy said...

THANK YOU for sharing the wealth!! I have had just this problem. When I purchase Painter X (my trial expired) this will be the first thing I will do.
Wonderful and adorable giraffe, Ginger!!

Unknown said...

THis is lovely!! Charming beautiful!

roz said...

Don't know if you saw this already but wanted to bring it to your attention.
The book you illustrated is on "readable feast" (blog).

How fun!

Kathy said...

Awesome - - just did this. Now, must try out those (formerly) slow brushes and see how they work. THANKS!!